Latest Episodes

Vision & Purpose - Kaysie Butler
Be Thou My Vision. What does this mean? How is this possible? It has been said, “An aimless life is a living death.” 4T...

What is Jesus Doing Now? - Kaysie Butler
We know Jesus is alive… but have you ever thought about what he is up to now? Quite a lot, actually. And would you...

Home & Family - Kaysie Butler
It has been said that “The measure of your Christianity is gauged by the character of your home life.” My Life Today, p102. What...

Providence - Kaysie Butler
God’s providence is as abundant as the gems of thought shared here on this topic…actually, it’s infinitely greater! You will gather a rich harvest...

Surrender - Kaysie Butler
“My Lord, O king, according to thy saying, I am thine and all that I have.” 1 Kings 20:1-4. What does it mean to...

Miracles - Kaysie Butler
Have you ever wished for a miracle? Learn about the greatest miracle worker, how He can work miracles in your life, and how you...