Vision & Purpose - Kaysie Butler

Episode 27 January 06, 2020 00:28:30
Vision & Purpose - Kaysie Butler
Daily Insights
Vision & Purpose - Kaysie Butler

Jan 06 2020 | 00:28:30


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Be Thou My Vision. What does this mean? How is this possible? It has been said, “An aimless life is a living death.” 4T p417. Discover the life-changing results of making Christ your vision.

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You are listening to daily insights on the three ABN Radio Network. And here is your host, Kaysie Butler. Hello and welcome. It's great to have you join me. Today we are going to consider the topic of vision and purpose. Now, I'm sure you've heard of the song be Thou My Vision. It's a well known traditional Irish hymn and we're going to listen to Sam Robson sing it. And while we do, take special note of the words as we'll be exploring them more as we go along. Be thou my vision o Lord of my heart not be all else to me save that no more best by day or by night waking or sleeping thy presence my life be thou my wisdom and Thou my true word higher with me and thou with me lord, thou my great father eyes I choose sunlight with the one who inherit now I know waste the heart I came up heaven my treasure thou art may I reach heaven joys o heaven sound I was ever before still be my vision all lord of my heart be our my vision have you ever thought about what that means? What does vision mean? Well, the Oxford Dictionary says vision is first, the faculty or state of being able to see, and secondly, the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom. A mental image of what the future will or could be like. Now, in terms of where we are heading with this topic, I am more interested in the second definition visionary thinking as opposed to simply seeing. Can you think of some modern day visionaries? I can name a few. For example, there's Mark Zuckerberg who founded Facebook. There's Bill and Melinda Gates with Microsoft. Elon Musk, who founded Tesla's Electric Cars. And then there's Salman Khan who founded the Khan Academy which makes online educational video tutorials. All of these business visionaries had an innovative idea which they wanted to see happen in the future. They ran with it, achieved success, and now they have a lot of influence in the world. It's interesting that visionary leaders often have specific characteristics. They tend to be favorable towards innovation, are strategic thinkers, intelligent risk takers, resilient, skilled communicators, expert organizers and intensely focused and enthusiastic. They have a vision for the future and are dedicated to achieve that vision through sacrifice, tenacity, ability, optimism and excellence. In short, visionary people tend to have three main qualities. First of all, they envision change, they have the ability to bring it about and they experience success. So a visionary first has a vision. And then they also have innate resolute, purpose, determination and skill to bring about their vision. And all of this combined brings them success. Back to the song. Be thou my vision. Have you ever thought about what it means for God to be your vision? How can God be our vision? Proverbs 20 918 says where there is no vision, the people perish, but he that keepeth the law happy is he. All other references to vision in the Bible actually refer to the vision and instruction that God gives his people through prophets. And it's interesting to consider the dictionary definition of prophet. Prophet, according to Oxford Dictionary, is a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God, a person who advocates or speaks in a visionary way about a new cause or theory, or a person who predicts what will happen in the future. When we read in Isaiah 46, verse nine and ten, it says, remember the former things of old, for I am God and there is none else. I am God and there is none like me declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times, things that are not yet done, saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure. Lesson number One god can be our vision into the future and its changes through his prophetic eye. Through this, we see not what might or can happen, but what will actually happen. Through God's prophetic eye, we can see what will ultimately happen to this world and we can get a glimpse of God's vision for the new world he wants to create. Listen. As alessandra soros envisions the world to come in the song on Jordan's. Stormy banks, stormy banks I stand and cast a wishful eye to canaan there and happy land where my possessions alive I am bound for the promised land I am bound for the promised land oh who will come and go with me? I am bound for the promised landed plaintime the one eternal day there Christ the sun forever rains and scatters night away when shall I reach that happy place and be forever bless? When shall I see my Father and in his kingdom I am bound for the promise land oh will come and go with me I am bound for the promise bound for the lone before that visionary people look into the future and envision a change from the current norm. When God is our vision, we can look into the future through his prophetic eye and see the changes that he has promised he will bring to our world. But God has another vision of change for us to take on board. What is one of the greatest changes that can occur in a person's life? Well, I'd propose to say character transformation. Two Corinthians 318 says but we all with open face, beholding as in a glass, the glory of the Lord are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the spirit of the Lord. So this is saying that as we behold Christ's glory, as we behold God's character, we experience change and we are actually changed in our character to be more like Him. So much so that in One John three two, it says beloved, now are we the sons of God. And it doth not yet appear what we shall be. But we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. So when Christ comes, we will be like him in character. And that means we would have undergone a huge character transformation. So this is the second lesson we can take away. God can be our vision of change to be like him in character. May this vision be everything to us, just like it says in the song be thou thy vision in the first verse naught be all else to me, save that thou art. Listen as the Fountain View Academy express this in the song be like Jesus teach me all along the way how to be like Jesus be like Jesus this my song in the home and in the throne be like Jesus all day long I would jam be like Jesus in the home and in the Jesus I might be what else can we learn from the song? Be thou my vision? Well, the second verse says be Thou my wisdom, be thou my true word. I ever with thee and Thou with me, Lord, thou my great father and I Thy true son. Thou in me dwelling and I with Thee one, be thou my wisdom. What does wisdom mean? Well, in short, it means the quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgment. So that means if we make Christ our wisdom, we have the benefit of his experience, his knowledge and his good judgment. And this can save us a lot of trouble in life and lead us to success. Remember we read earlier Proverbs 29, verse 18, which says he that keepeth the law happy is he. We also have wisdom when we keep in step with God's plans by following his prophetic eye like we talked about before. So what we can learn here is that God can give us wisdom to act today in light of his prophetic eye and the goal of character transformation. Thus, in order to have Christ's wisdom, we must fix our mind on his vision for us. Listen as Reggie Smith sings about this in the song I have fixed my mind on another time on another time I have set my course on the narrow way on the narrow way for I know the time is close at hand, for which I watch and pray. And that is today. Until he comes, I have set my course on the narrow way, on the narrow way, even so quickly. This is my birth and prayer for I've got a glimpse of glory and I'm longing to be there. Shall the son of Trumpet of his life and rise with all things of love will rise with those who sleep no more in shall the son of man the son of and appear even soul come with me. This is my birth and prayer for I've caught a glimpse of glory and I'm longing to be there's. I have fixed my mind on another time, on another it the third verse of the song be thou my vision says riches I heed not, nor man's empty praise. Thou my inheritance now and always thou and thou only first in my heart high King of Heaven, my treasure thou art. That first phrase riches I heed not, nor man's empty praise. The business visionaries we talked about earlier had both of these. But we have been promised a reward of riches that are out of this world. What did the verse say? Thou my inheritance, high King of Heaven, my treasure thou art. John 17 three says and this is life eternal, that they might know thee that only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. If we see beauty and value in God's character, having the privilege of relationship with him will be the greatest treasure we can gain. The final verse of the song. Be thou my vision says High King of Heaven when victory is won, may I reach Heaven's. Joy, O bright heaven's sun heart of my own heart whatever before still be my vision o ruler of all we have challenges and battles to fight to reach the goal of character, transformation and success in this process demands resolute, decision, purpose and determination to reach this goal as we cooperate with Christ's power in our lives. But we have the assurance of success if we don't give up on the vision. One Corinthians 1557 says but thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. On this thread of thought. The West Coast Baptist College are going to sing. I am determined. Be. Sorrow surrounds me, and though there be trials, still I can sing, for I have this treasure. My God reigns within me and I am determined to live for the King. I am determined I will be faithful till he has finished his purpose in me. And nothing shall shake me, for he'll never forsake me. I am determined to live for the King. Hell's gates are trembling from saints prayers ascending, darkness is crumbling from praises we sing. Our sovereign Victoria is marching before us and we are determined to live for the King. I am determined I will be faithful till he has finished his purpose in me. And nothing shall shake me, for he'll never forsake me. I am determined to live for the King. When I am weary, I'll look to his face when I am tempted, I'll trust in his grace. I'll trust in his grace. I am determined I will be faithful till he has finished his purpose in me. And nothing shall shake me, for he'll never forsake me. I am determined. I am determined. I am determined to live for the Jesus. It has been said an aimless life is a living death. Therefore may your purpose and determination in life be shaped and directed towards the change God wants to see in you and in the world. You have been listening to daily insights. I am your host, Kaysie Butler, and my challenge for you today is may God be your ultimate vision. You've been listening to a production of three ABN Australia radio.

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