Trials - Kaysie Butler

Episode 2 March 08, 2018 00:27:15
Trials - Kaysie Butler
Daily Insights
Trials - Kaysie Butler

Mar 08 2018 | 00:27:15


Show Notes

We are reminded that those “who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” Isa 40:31. Besides the power to endure, we can find comfort, purpose and even joy in trials.

Hosted by Kaysie Butler.

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Episode Transcript

You are listening to daily insights on the three ABN Radio Network. And here is your host, Kaysie Butler. Welcome. I am delighted to be able to spend this time with you and I hope it adds a touch of inspiration to your day. I would like to share with you a couple of poems today by Robert Hare. Robert Hare was from a family who was the first 7th Day Adventist family in New Zealand. He was a preacher and he did mission work in New Zealand and in Australia in the late 18 hundreds and the early 19 hundreds. And he also was a poet. And his first poem he published when he was 21 and it was published in a newspaper in Auckland in 1875. And I would like to share it with you. It's called Lean hard. Often the heart is weary, the spirit crushed and low. Often the way is dreary, we feel compelled to go. Often our footsteps falter, overcome by crowding fears earth's fickle friendships alter and pave life's path with tears, but through them comes a calling by silent grief overheard like angel voices falling lean, weary child, lean hard so it's just a short poem, but I believe it has a powerful message. When we have those challenging experiences of life, the times when we feel like it's all too much and we just can't go on, and we feel weary and worn, there is a calling to lean hard on, a power that is greater than our own. And you know, this reminds me of a text in Isaiah. Isaiah, chapter 40, verse 28 through to 31 says hast thou not known? Hast thou not heard that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth fainteth? Not, neither is weary. There is no searching of his understanding. He giveth power to the faint and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. Even the youth shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. And so when there are times in our lives where we just feel like we can't go on, it's too much for us. Things happen and we just can't handle it. We have this promise in the Bible calling us to depend on God and lean on Him. And he will give us strength that we do not have. And I want to share with you now a song about this. It's called wings as eagles. And no doubt the composer of the piece had this promise from the Bible in mind. So I hope you are encouraged as you listen to it. Now when the face before me and the wind is going strong and the witnesses around me and my strength is almost gone deeper and my shadows on my dreams and I give my voice to Jesus and he gives my spirit god is with all his fire. God is real. When my feet begin to stumble and my dreams begin to crumble. I love you before us he has all the victors from and he falls to every Christian only way to my to lose begin to crumble. I'm out of Jesus. You? Doesn't it give you so much courage to think that God wants to help us when we are in trouble or going through having a tough time? I just find that so inspiring and it reminds me of this next piece that I want to share with you called In Heaven's Eyes. The chorus of this piece says in Heaven's eyes there are no losers in Heaven's highs no hopeless cause only people like you with feelings like me amazed by the grace we find in Heaven's eyes god doesn't want to put us down or anything if we're in trouble. He just wants to be there for us and be our strength. So I hope you are inspired by the words in this next song. A fervent prayer rose up to heaven a fragile soul was losing ground sorting through the earthly babble heaven heard the sound this was a life of no distinction no successes only try and looking down on this unlovely one there was love in heaven's eyes in heaven's eyes there are no losers in heaven's eyes no hopeless cause there's only people like you with feelings like me amazed by the grace we can find in heaven's eyes the wayward father the homeless in the rain when life goes by and no one bother heaven feels the pain looking down god sees each heartache knows each sorrow hears each cry and looking up we'll see compassion fire of La In heaven's eyes in heaven's eyes there are no losers in heaven's eyes no hopeless cause there's only people like you with feelings like me amazed by the grace we can find light in heaven you know, sometimes we might wonder why things happen the way they do. You know, when life doesn't seem to go as planned and it's like everything's falling apart around us. And I'd like to share with you a second of Robert Hare's poems now, which sort of hints on an answer to that question. It's called life's crooked things. And he writes some things in life are very strange at least that's how they seem. They meet us often unawares just like a romance dream but two and two make four, you know when added on the slate and just as true life's crooked things are sent to keep us straight why should these crooked things conspire to strike discordant keys that leave us pensive in the shade or weeping on our knees? Their jargon rings in every song their minors touch our life and make the peaceful calm we love a troubled scene of strife in heaven's own light our gain and lost adjusted will appear a halo round its cross will shine and o its pain and fear resplendent in a deathless gleam and far above all hate will read the crooked things of life were sent to keep us straight and that is a powerful message, isn't it? So often the things that challenge us most actually highlight some of the roughness in our characters and show us and help us become aware of the things we need to improve on or even just help us to stay where we need to be in relation to God and heading in the direction that he would have us to go. So that's a powerful message to keep in mind. The crooked things of life were sent to keep us straight. So I want to share with you now another song and it's kind of running along this theme. It's called the Refiner's Fire, and it's sung by Christian Berdal. There burns a fire of sacred heat, white hot with holy flame. And all who dare pass through its blaze will not emerge the same. Some as bronze and some as silver, some as gold. Then with great skill, all are hammered by their sufferings. On the end below is will. The refiner's fire has now become my soul desire purged and cleansed and purified that the Lord be glory. He is consuming my soul, refining me, making me home. No matter what I may lose, I choose the refiner fire to crave the fires embrace. Although my past with sin was etched, his mercies did erase. Each time his purging cleanses deeper. I'm not sure that I'll survive yet. The strength in growing weaker keep my hungry soul alive. The refiner's fire has now become my soul desire purged and cleansed and purified. That the Lord be glory. He is consuming my soul, refining me, making me home. No matter what I may lose, I choose the refiner fire. That trials and hard things in life can be used to accomplish a greater purpose gives a lot more encouragement to us when we're in the midst of challenging circumstances. And it's interesting when you read in one Peter it says, beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened unto you, but rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings, that when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. And I guess that that aspect is something that can give us joy in trials, knowing that it can accomplish something in our hearts, or at least trials can be used to accomplish something in our hearts in terms of refining our characters to be more like Jesus. And I want to share also a quote written by Ellen White in the book six testimonies, page 365. It says all trials that are received as educators will produce joy. And that's profound, isn't it? That when we can look on a trial and see that actually, I can learn something from this. And this is going to help me that through that trial we are then able to experience joy. And this is something that I think is a tremendous advantage to us as Christians when we go throughout life that we can have this joy in the midst of trials. The next song I want to share with you, which is called Rejoice in the Lord, is all about this very thing about rejoicing in the Lord in the midst of trials because of what he can do through those. Trials for us and for his glory and all never thanks to the Lord for your testing darkness home. All these father could not see the shadows again. So I look at the cross of my sin lord inside all you say I keep my way I dropped more I will SA jump. Rejoicing in trials can seem all right in theory, but to put it in practice can be another story. You can be in the midst of it, you think, oh, but it's so hard to be positive, so hard to think about the benefits that might be coming out of this difficult experience. And that's true, it can be definitely hard. But I want to suggest something that may even help, and that is to sing. Now, you might think, Whoa, it's hard enough being positive and now you're telling me to sing. But it's actually amazing what it can do for you because the very action of singing and praising God in the midst of when you're feeling completely in the dumps or something like that can actually help to lift up your own spirit to a more positive frame. And there's examples in the Bible where this was done when Paul and Silas were in prison. It says in Acts chapter 16, verse 25, that at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and saying praises unto God and the prisoners heard them. And so here they were in prison, probably suffering and in uncomfortable position or something, and yet they decided they were going to pray and sing praises to God despite all of that. So you should try it sometime. It might surprise you, the difference that it could make for you. That's actually what our next song is about. It's called God wants to hear you sing. And it's sung by Laura Williams. Their chains were fast and high down at the jail that night so Paul and Silas would not be dismayed they say it's time to lift our voice sing praises to the Lord. Let's prove that we can trust him. Come what may god wants to hear you when the waves are crashing round you when the fiery dark surround you windy spec all you see god wants to hear your voice when the wise man has spoken and says your circumstance is hopeless as can be? That's when God wants to hear you see he loves to hear our praise? On our cheerful day? When the pleasant times outweigh the best by fall? But when suffering comes along and we still think in song that is when we bless the Father's home god wants to hear you say when the waves are crashing around you when the fiery dog surround you when despair is all you see god wants to hear your voice when the wise man has spoken send your circumstances as hopeless as can be that's what God wants to hear you see God wants to hear you when the waves are out you when the spirit always see god wants to hear your voice when the wise man has broken instead your circumstance that's when God wants to hear you see that's when God wants to hear you see well, that brings us to the end of our program today. And I hope that you have been encouraged that no matter what life throws at you, with God's strength and help, you are able to face it and be encouraged through it and even sing in it. Until next time. I am You are listening to daily insights on the three ABN Radio Network. And here is your host, Casey Butler. Welcome. I am delighted to be able to spend this time with you and I hope it adds a touch of inspiration to your day. I would like to share with you a couple of poems today by Robert Hare. Robert Hare was from a family who was the first 7th Day Adventist family in New Zealand. He was a preacher and he did mission work in New Zealand and in Australia in the late 18 hundreds and the early 19 hundreds. And he also was a poet. And his first poem he published when he was 21 and it was published in a newspaper in Auckland in 1875. And I would like to share it with you. It's called Lean hard. Often the heart is weary, the spirit crushed and low. Often the way is dreary, we feel compelled to go. Often our footsteps falter, overcome by crowding fears earth's fickle friendships alter and pave life's path with tears, but through them comes a calling by silent grief overheard like angel voices falling lean, weary child, lean hard so it's just a short poem, but I believe it has a powerful message. When we have those challenging experiences of life, the times when we feel like it's all too much and we just can't go on, and we feel weary and worn, there is a calling to lean hard on, a power that is greater than our own. And you know, this reminds me of a text in Isaiah. Isaiah, chapter 40, verse 28 through to 31 says hast thou not known? Hast thou not heard that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth fainteth? Not, neither is weary. There is no searching of his understanding. He giveth power to the faint and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. Even the youth shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. And so when there are times in our lives where we just feel like we can't go on, it's too much for us. Things happen and we just can't handle it. We have this promise in the Bible calling us to depend on God and lean on Him. And he will give us strength that we do not have. And I want to share with you now a song about this. It's called wings as eagles. And no doubt the composer of the piece had this promise from the Bible in mind. So I hope you are encouraged as you listen to it. Now when the face before me and the wind is going strong and the witnesses around me and my strength is almost gone deeper and my shadows on my dreams and I give my voice to Jesus and he gives my spirit god is with all his fire. God is real. When my feet begin to stumble and my dreams begin to crumble. I love you before us he has all the victors from and he falls to every Christian only way to my to lose begin to crumble. I'm out of Jesus. You? Doesn't it give you so much courage to think that God wants to help us when we are in trouble or going through having a tough time? I just find that so inspiring and it reminds me of this next piece that I want to share with you called In Heaven's Eyes. The chorus of this piece says in Heaven's eyes there are no losers in Heaven's highs no hopeless cause only people like you with feelings like me amazed by the grace we find in Heaven's eyes god doesn't want to put us down or anything if we're in trouble. He just wants to be there for us and be our strength. So I hope you are inspired by the words in this next song. A fervent prayer rose up to heaven a fragile soul was losing ground sorting through the earthly babble heaven heard the sound this was a life of no distinction no successes only try and looking down on this unlovely one there was love in heaven's eyes in heaven's eyes there are no losers in heaven's eyes no hopeless cause there's only people like you with feelings like me amazed by the grace we can find in heaven's eyes the wayward father the homeless in the rain when life goes by and no one bother heaven feels the pain looking down god sees each heartache knows each sorrow hears each cry and looking up we'll see compassion fire of La In heaven's eyes in heaven's eyes there are no losers in heaven's eyes no hopeless cause there's only people like you with feelings like me amazed by the grace we can find light in heaven you know, sometimes we might wonder why things happen the way they do. You know, when life doesn't seem to go as planned and it's like everything's falling apart around us. And I'd like to share with you a second of Robert Hare's poems now, which sort of hints on an answer to that question. It's called life's crooked things. And he writes some things in life are very strange at least that's how they seem. They meet us often unawares just like a romance dream but two and two make four, you know when added on the slate and just as true life's crooked things are sent to keep us straight why should these crooked things conspire to strike discordant keys that leave us pensive in the shade or weeping on our knees? Their jargon rings in every song their minors touch our life and make the peaceful calm we love a troubled scene of strife in heaven's own light our gain and lost adjusted will appear a halo round its cross will shine and o its pain and fear resplendent in a deathless gleam and far above all hate will read the crooked things of life were sent to keep us straight and that is a powerful message, isn't it? So often the things that challenge us most actually highlight some of the roughness in our characters and show us and help us become aware of the things we need to improve on or even just help us to stay where we need to be in relation to God and heading in the direction that he would have us to go. So that's a powerful message to keep in mind. The crooked things of life were sent to keep us straight. So I want to share with you now another song and it's kind of running along this theme. It's called the Refiner's Fire, and it's sung by Christian Berdal. There burns a fire of sacred heat, white hot with holy flame. And all who dare pass through its blaze will not emerge the same. Some as bronze and some as silver, some as gold. Then with great skill, all are hammered by their sufferings. On the end below is will. The refiner's fire has now become my soul desire purged and cleansed and purified that the Lord be glory. He is consuming my soul, refining me, making me home. No matter what I may lose, I choose the refiner fire to crave the fires embrace. Although my past with sin was etched, his mercies did erase. Each time his purging cleanses deeper. I'm not sure that I'll survive yet. The strength in growing weaker keep my hungry soul alive. The refiner's fire has now become my soul desire purged and cleansed and purified. That the Lord be glory. He is consuming my soul, refining me, making me home. No matter what I may lose, I choose the refiner fire. That trials and hard things in life can be used to accomplish a greater purpose gives a lot more encouragement to us when we're in the midst of challenging circumstances. And it's interesting when you read in one Peter it says, beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened unto you, but rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings, that when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. And I guess that that aspect is something that can give us joy in trials, knowing that it can accomplish something in our hearts, or at least trials can be used to accomplish something in our hearts in terms of refining our characters to be more like Jesus. And I want to share also a quote written by Ellen White in the book six testimonies, page 365. It says all trials that are received as educators will produce joy. And that's profound, isn't it? That when we can look on a trial and see that actually, I can learn something from this. And this is going to help me that through that trial we are then able to experience joy. And this is something that I think is a tremendous advantage to us as Christians when we go throughout life that we can have this joy in the midst of trials. The next song I want to share with you, which is called Rejoice in the Lord, is all about this very thing about rejoicing in the Lord in the midst of trials because of what he can do through those. Trials for us and for his glory and all never thanks to the Lord for your testing darkness home. All these father could not see the shadows again. So I look at the cross of my sin lord inside all you say I keep my way I dropped more I will SA jump. Rejoicing in trials can seem all right in theory, but to put it in practice can be another story. You can be in the midst of it, you think, oh, but it's so hard to be positive, so hard to think about the benefits that might be coming out of this difficult experience. And that's true, it can be definitely hard. But I want to suggest something that may even help, and that is to sing. Now, you might think, Whoa, it's hard enough being positive and now you're telling me to sing. But it's actually amazing what it can do for you because the very action of singing and praising God in the midst of when you're feeling completely in the dumps or something like that can actually help to lift up your own spirit to a more positive frame. And there's examples in the Bible where this was done when Paul and Silas were in prison. It says in Acts chapter 16, verse 25, that at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and saying praises unto God and the prisoners heard them. And so here they were in prison, probably suffering and in uncomfortable position or something, and yet they decided they were going to pray and sing praises to God despite all of that. So you should try it sometime. It might surprise you, the difference that it could make for you. That's actually what our next song is about. It's called God wants to hear you sing. And it's sung by Laura Williams. Their chains were fast and high down at the jail that night so Paul and Silas would not be dismayed they say it's time to lift our voice sing praises to the Lord. Let's prove that we can trust him. Come what may god wants to hear you when the waves are crashing round you when the fiery dark surround you windy spec all you see god wants to hear your voice when the wise man has spoken and says your circumstance is hopeless as can be? That's when God wants to hear you see he loves to hear our praise? On our cheerful day? When the pleasant times outweigh the best by fall? But when suffering comes along and we still think in song that is when we bless the Father's home god wants to hear you say when the waves are crashing around you when the fiery dog surround you when despair is all you see god wants to hear your voice when the wise man has spoken send your circumstances as hopeless as can be that's what God wants to hear you see God wants to hear you when the waves are out you when the spirit always see god wants to hear your voice when the wise man has broken instead your circumstance that's when God wants to hear you see that's when God wants to hear you see well, that brings us to the end of our program today. And I hope that you have been encouraged that no matter what life throws at you, with God's strength and help, you are able to face it and be encouraged through it and even sing in it. Until next time. I am Kaysie Butler. And may God bless you. Um you've been listening to a production of Three ABN, Australia radio.

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