
Episode 7 March 13, 2018 00:27:45
Daily Insights

Mar 13 2018 | 00:27:45


Show Notes

“In my Father’s house are many mansions… I go to prepare a place for you and … I will come again to receive you to myself that where I am there you may be also.” John 14:2, 3. Tune in for a musical exploration of the highlights of heaven!

Hosted by Kaysie Butler.

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Episode Transcript

You are listening to daily insights on the three ABN Radio Network. And here is your host, Kaysie Butler. Welcome to the program and thank you for joining me. What do you know about heaven from what you've heard? Is it the kind of place you'd like to go? What attracts you most about heaven from what you've heard? I think generally people have heard things that are positive about heaven and they want to go there as a result. But I often wonder how much do people really know about heaven? So I want to explore this theme today with the aid of songs that are about what heaven is like. And the first song I want to share with you is called I Want to Go to Heaven and sung by Malita Fong. Heaven pick a never fading flower from the mountain over key the temple of my God I want to go to heaven where all is light and glory how I long to be with Jesus how I long to be sometimes I think that I can stay here no longer. I feel very lonely here. For I have seen a better land and oh, that I had wing like a dove. Then would I fly away and be at Rise. I want to go to heaven. I want to hear the voice of Jesus say, you have washed your blood, stood this way for the truth. When I get to heaven, I'll cast my crown at Jesus name forever. Oh. He's done so much for me. Sometimes I think that I can stay here no longer. I feel very lonely here, for I see better land and know that I had wing like a dust. Then would I fly away. And be at rest and all that I had we like a dove then would I fly away and be you I'm sure many of us could relate to the sentiments expressed in that song. Sometimes this world is so dark and discouraging and dysfunctional and we just want to be in a better place and that can be a motivation for us to want to go to heaven and learn more about it. So what is heaven really like? Well, the next couple of songs are going to explore some details on what heaven is like. The first is called no Night There and it's sung by the Cadet Sisters. And following that is a song sung by Laura Williams and it's called The New Jerusalem. In the Land of Faithless Day lies a city. For Square it shall never pass away and there is no night. There all the gates I gave the precious pearl I made in the city four Square, all the streets with gold. I laid no night there. No night there. I shall wipe away all day. There's no death, no pain or fear and they cannot die by you. For there is no night there and a gate shall never close to the city for Square their life crystal river and there is no night there there they need no sunshine bright in the city for Square for the Lamb is all the light and there is no night there god shall wipe away all the death. No pain or fear. And they count not time by you. For there is no night. No night there. Close Sam. I saw the holy city descending from the sky so brilliant with the light of God the city is his bright. There is no temple in town, no sun, no moon, no light for God the glory it's light illuminated by the Lamb and God wipe the tear from every weeping. No pain, no death, no morning cry and everything made you. And now I will dwell with Saul let all of those who thirst come now and drink for free and choose the one who comes come now and you will see. Behold the old has passed away and everything is new the alpha sports are trustworthy and so true and God himself will wipe the tea from every wee no pain, no death, no morning cry and everything made you and now I will dwell with you you and he was Jerusalem and Jesus and he walk with close the new Jerusalem You just listened to the cadet sister singing no Night There. And then following that was Laura Williams singing The New Jerusalem. Did you notice in that last song The New Jerusalem where it said that God Himself will dwell with us? That's what it will be in heaven, we will actually live with God. Now that's great if you know God, but if you don't know Him well, I guess it would be like living with a stranger. And that's why I think there's truth in this statement by Mrs. Ellen White which says if we reach heaven at last, our heaven must begin here below. And I believe what that means is for us to really be able to enjoy heaven, we must know God. We must know what he is like, we must experience and be filled with his spirit, the spirit of heaven. And then it will feel like we're at home when we're in heaven. It says in Psalm 1611 thou hast shown me the path of life in thy presence is fullness of joy and at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore. So we can look forward to the fullness of joy in God's presence in heaven. And the next song, which is sung by Steve Dharmody, is expressing that because it's talking about how wonderful heaven will be because of Jesus being there. And so I hope you are inspired by this song. As I see the marks of sin, I feel a sadness. But there's a thought that always brings a sweet release soon our savior will be here that day is drawing near when tears, when trials when heartaches all will see close oh, how wonderful heaven will be to be with jesus throughout eternity. No earthly thing can compare to what is waiting for us there. Oh, how wonderful heaven will be. You just think of all the countless joys of heaven. A better land, a better life than we could know we will be forever safe through his forgiving grace this gift is ours because he loves us so oh, how wonderful heaven will be. That was Steve Darmody singing how wonderful heaven will be you know, Jesus really, really wants us to be with Him in heaven. And I know this because he has told us that in John 14 he has said, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to unto myself. That where I am, there you may be also. Do you know he is wanting us to be with Him so much that he's actually fasting? Yes, he's fasting until we get there. You can find out more details about that in Matthew chapter 26 and verse 29. I just think that is so incredible that he is doing that. And in keeping with this theme, I want to share with you the next song. It's called I Will Bring You Home and sung by Christian Verdal. Though you are homeless, though you're alone I will be your home whatever the matter, whatever's been done I will be your home. I will be your home. I will be your home in this fearful fallen place, I will be your home when time reaches fullness, when I move my hand, I will bring you home, home to your own place in a beautiful land I will bring you home I will bring you home so, do you still want to go to heaven? We've heard some wonderful things about the place, haven't we? But sometimes the things in this world seem to be more attractive and the things of heaven seem to grow dim in our minds. If you can relate to that, then listen carefully to this last song. It's called heaven is looking brighter. It's sung by Heather Shoff. Heaven is looking brighter this world is growing dim the more I love my savior and the more I hate my sin the simple pleasures of this life are mixed with pain and care all this world can hold a candle. You want to wake me over there? When I was just a little child, I learned about a place called heaven. But earthly fascinations held my attention. Then so many childhood hopes and dreams had a lifetime to come. True and heaven didn't thrill me I had way too much to do but now heaven is looking brighter this world is growing in the more I love my savior and the more I hate my sin the simple pleasures of this life are mixed with pain and care all this world can't hold a candle you want to wake me over there's seems much closer to me every year that passes by each milestone I've arrived at brought a smile and a sigh though God can grant abundant life to all the saints below in heaven god will wipe out every heartache every woe that's why heaven is looking brighter this world is growing dim the more I love my Savior and the more I hate my sin? The simple pleasures of this life are mixed with pain and care? All this world can't hold a candle to what awaits me over there's still a pilgrim since Christ I must endure. And dairy is my struggle to escape temptations more while it would. Battles weary me because me to become a little more excited. For I can't wait till victories won. And this Sunday, by Providence, I reach four. And ten I likely will be ready to leave this planet. And for you, things I trust here never had before. And greater is my morning. I want to heaven is looking brighter. This world is growing dim the more I love my savior and the more I hate my sin the simple pleasures of this life are mixed with pain and care all this world can't hold a candle can't hold a candle all this world can hold a candle to what awake me I can't wait. Did you catch the message of that song? The more we love the Savior and the more we hate our sin the more heaven can appear brighter to us and we will look forward to being able to go there. Well, thank you once again for joining me and I hope that through contemplating the wonderful things of heaven today, your desire to go there has grown. Hopefully one day I'll even meet you there. But until then, may the Lord richly bless you've. Been listening to a production of three ABN Australia radio.

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