Repentance - Kaysie Butler

Episode 22 January 06, 2020 00:28:30
Repentance - Kaysie Butler
Daily Insights
Repentance - Kaysie Butler

Jan 06 2020 | 00:28:30


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What is it? What initiates it? How does one experience and maintain it? Be awed at God’s love and provisions for you as you explore this life-changing topic.

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You are listening to daily insights on the three ABN Radio Network. And here is your host, Kaysie Butler. Hello and welcome. You know, one of my favorite Bible stories is the story of the woman caught in the act of adultery. I can just see her there, placed in front of Jesus and surrounded by a bunch of merciless Jewish religious leaders. And I'm sure the woman, as she stood there, was probably just wishing the ground would open up underneath her and put her out of her misery sooner rather than later. No doubt she was fully expecting Jesus to utter words of condemnation to her. But at the accusations of the men around her, she would have been surprised and intrigued that Jesus just ignored them and instead started writing things on the dust at her feet. Then Jesus stood up and told the men that whoever was sinless among them could cast the first stone at the woman convicted. One by one, the men walked away. And then the trembling woman was left alone with Jesus. What would he do to her now? Well, he simply asked her, has no man condemned you? No, she replied. No man. Then Jesus said, neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more. I just love those words compassionate, kind and empowering and redemptive. Listen as Robbie Falkenberg sings about this very story. Worry beaten and they scott and they accused. For what accusers didn't know is what God would show. He asked which one of them hadn't ever sinned and said they could grow the very first stone. So one by one they dropped their stones. One by one they turned left. God looked upon the woman as she wept. He lifted her eyes and in that moment he raised her life alive. God dreams to us. He invites us to righteousness, saying go and sin no more. I bought you with price and I like to say that it was worth the sacrifice. By God's grace we stand just bought with blood and living in freedom. Because of your faith, because of his grace today your life of sin has been erased. He'll take us by his nail pierced hands and he'll lead us home to a glorious land. The whole God turns to us. He invites us to righteousness, saying go and sin no more. I bought you with a price and I'm alive to say that it was worth, it was worth the sack that was go and sin no more sung by Robbie Falkenberg. Our topic today is actually repentance. And as I reflect on that story, I realize that Jesus'statement go and sin no more is exactly what repentance is. Repentance means to stop in the track of sin and go in a completely new direction to sin no more. It's a complete U turn. What is important to notice here though, is what actually prefaced the uturn moment for this woman in the story. What was it? It was the gracious kindness of Jesus. And this is exactly what leads us to repent. Romans two, verse four says the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance. And on this point, I want to play a song called Grace Unmeasured and it's performed by the Steve Patit Evangelistic team. Grace unmeasured fast and free? That knew me from eternity? That called me out before my birth? To breathe you glory on this earth? Grace amazing, pure I'm deep? That saw me in my misery? That took my curse and owned my blame so I could praise your righteous name. Grace paid for my sins and brought me to life. Grace love me with power to do what is right. Grace will lead me to heaven where I'll see your face and never cease to thank you for your grace grace abounding strong and true that makes me long to be like you and turns me from my selfish pride to love the cross on which you died grace unending all my days you'll give me strength to run this race and when my years on earth are through the praise will all belong to you rain take for my sin and brought me to light grace love me with power to do what is right grace will lead me to heaven where I'll see your face and never cease to thank you for your grace grace paid for my sins and brought me to life. Grace clothes me with power to do what is right raise lead me to heaven and never cease to thank you for your grace on my grace so the first step in repentance is actually to experience God's goodness and grace. This is what draws our hearts to want to live a better life and to please the One who has shown us such kindness. But I have another question. What if you have experienced God's grace and yet you still struggle to turn from your sins? Well, there is an answer for that too. Acts five, verse 31 says that Jesus gives us repentance. Repentance is a gift. And that means that we can simply ask God for it with respect to a certain sin. And he will give it to us, he will put it into our heart because he loves to give good gifts to his children. What an amazing thing God has withheld nothing that he knew we would need with such a gracious God. It is no wonder the author of the next song wrote that coming back to God was like coming home. Listen as the fountain view academy sings lord, I'm coming home coming home, coming home never more to Robin wide arms of love lord, I coming home I wasted many precious years now I'm coming home I now repent with bitter tears lord, I'm coming home coming home, coming home never more to grow open wide thine arms of love lord, I'm coming home only hope I only now coming home that Jesus died and died for me lord, I'm coming home? I need I know now I'm coming home? Oh, wash me whiter than the snow lord, I coming home? Coming home? Coming home? Never more to Roy arms of love lord, I never want to roll? Touch my heart today. That is why I've come to pray. You see all I have inside, all the things I try to hide jesus, I believe that you are there and you're listening to this sinner's prayer. Touch this broken heart and make it new. I believe in you. Please forgive me for my sin all I done and all I've been serving you forever jesus, I believe that you are there and you're listening to this dinner's prayer knowing you remember what you heard. I believe Your word in Your name this prayer will end a new life will begin now I know I'm not alone hold my hand and lead me home quit. Have you ever quit doing something wrong or tried to break a bad habit? But then soon you find yourself doing the very thing you are trying not to do. I'm sure we can all relate to this in one way or another. It's like we make U turns on our U turns and then have to U turn again. Well, this is the theme of our next song. It's called I Don't Want to Go Back. And it's sung by Heather Schoff. What an unforgettable glorious day the day I change direction with a brand new heart and a brand new king and a brand new destination yet still alive is a pole inside that draws me backward so when it holds me to stay behind. This prayer will be my answer. I don't want to go back, Lord. I only want to go forward. I don't want to go back, Lord. I want to move on. Give me strength, Lord. To overcome again because I don't want to go back, Lord. I want to move on. Some days I do what I don't want to do and I don't do what I want to don't do what I want to do. I'm weary, sore from an inside war who will come to rescue rescue but thanks to him who conquered sin and gives me the when temptation knocks again I'll sing with all I don't want to go back, lord, I only want to go forward. I don't want to go back, Lord I want to move on. Give me strength, Lord, to overcome again because I don't want to go back, Lord I want to move on since I know that shake my soul. I just think that keep me complete and they love when they keep me down with nothing left within me. Oh, Lord, if I feel your mighty heart behind me you move my soul to the onward. I don't wanna. Go back I wanna go back, lord, I wanna move on give me strength to overcome again because I want to go backward I want to move on I want to move I want to move on. I want to move on. I don't want to go back, Lord. I want to go forward. I don't want to go back, Lord. I want to move on. Give me strength, Lord, to overcome again. I don't want to go back, lord, I don't want to go backward. No, I don't want to go backward. I want to move on. So how do we keep from going backwards and instead continually press forwards? Well, the secret lies in connecting with a power outside of ourselves. The book. Steps to Christ. Page 18 echoes this thought when it says there must be a power working from within, a new life from above, before men can be changed from sin to holiness. We are reminded of such texts as Ezekiel 36, verse 27, where God promises, I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes. And then there's Jesus statements in John 15, where he shares that by abiding in Him we can bear the fruit of a righteous life, but without Him we can do nothing. And then there's the promise in Jude 24, where we are told that Jesus is able to keep us from falling. That's what we want, isn't it? Writing on what we can accomplish through Christ, ellen White notes through faith in Christ, every deficiency of character may be supplied, every defilement cleansed, every fault corrected, every excellence developed. So Christ's intendedness is calling us today to tap into his power and rise to a higher and more noble life. Listen to his call in the following song sung by Laura Williams called Softly and Tenderly. Softly and tenderly jesus is calling calling for you and for me at the heart portal he's waiting and watching for you and for me come home, come home, Jesus tenderly Jesus is calling all sinner come home why should we carry when Jesus is pleading pleading for you and for me why should we linger? And he know his mercies mercy is for you and for me think of the wonderful love he has promise for you and for me come home, come home, Jesus is calling kam thank you for joining me today as we've considered the topic of repentance and the power of Christ to help us rise to a better life. I pray that you will experience that in your life today. You have been listening to daily insights. I am your host, Kaysie Butler, and until next time, God be with you. You've been listening to a production of three ABN Australia radio.

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