Miracles - Kaysie Butler

Episode 23 January 06, 2020 00:28:45
Miracles - Kaysie Butler
Daily Insights
Miracles - Kaysie Butler

Jan 06 2020 | 00:28:45


Show Notes

Have you ever wished for a miracle? Learn about the greatest miracle worker, how He can work miracles in your life, and how you can sprinkle miracles in lives of others.

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You are listening to daily insights on the three ABN Radio Network. And here is your host, Kaysie Butler. Hello there and thank you for joining me today. What is a miracle? Well, the Oxford Dictionary defines it as an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency. And it's very interesting because the root word for miracle in Latin is actually miraculum, and it means object of wonder. Or there's the root of Marari, which means to wonder or mirrors, which means wonderful. All of those Latin words form part of the root for our modern day English word miracle. What is fascinating is that one of the greatest miracle workers, if not the greatest miracle worker of all time, Jesus, was actually given the name in Bible prophecy, wonderful in Isaiah 96. And when you look at the Hebrew word translated as wonderful in that very verse, it also means a miracle. So even well before Jesus came to Earth, he was destined to be a miracle worker. What kind of miracles does Jesus work? Well, our first song is about Jesus and the miracles he can do in your life. It is called Greater Miracles and is sung by Hilary Weeks Sav. Bring them here, he will heal them. Have you any that are lame, bent, in pain, hurt or yearning? Bring them all old and beyond and he will live to them, he will make them and if they put their faith in Him, they shall see greater miracles than these. Have your children who are blind. Bring them here. He will bless them. He will truly make them see wondrous things when you let them go to Him unbended. And he will live. He will make them and if they put their faith in Him, they shall see greater miracles than the did you know that he can heal the widow's broken heart? That his love can change your life, save a world torn apart? Did you know that he holds the earth and sky at his command? But when you feel forgiveness come then you'll understand that the miracle, the greatest miracle close RA will listen as your brother, as your friend he has love enough for all men. Trust in me. Take his hand and he will live you. He will make you home and if you put your faith in Him, you shall see greater mirror cool vendi. Did you notice what the key was to seeing greater miracles in your life? Putting your faith in him. That is in Jesus Christ. And when you think about all the miracles that Jesus did in the Bible times when he walked on Earth, the main condition for doing those miracles was that the people had faith in Him. And that's the theme for our next song. It's called when you believe? And it's sung by Laura Williams. Many nights we've prayed with no proof anyone could hear in our hearts a hopeful song we barely understood that we are not afraid although we know there's much to fear we were moving mountains long before we knew we could there can be miracles when you believe no hope is free it's hard to give who knows what miracle you can achieve when you believe somehow you will you will when you believe in this time of fear when prayer so often proved to me oh seems like a summer just with me float away yet now I'm standing now and so full I can't explain seeking faith and speaking words I never thought I'd say there can be miracles when you believe it's hard to care to keep who knows what miracle you can achieve when you believe on how you will when you believe ram sam you there can be miracle when you believe it's hard to keep. It's hard to keep. Who knows what miracle you can achieve when you believe somehow you wait now you wait. You will when you will. When you leave, when you believe in Jesus and put your faith in Him, he can work miracles in your life. But how does that work when Jesus is not even here on Earth anymore? Listen carefully to the next song because it will give you a clue. When God spoke to the darkness, let there be light. It was done, and the darkness fled away. When God spoke to an old man you have a son. It was done. And the sadness fled away. When God speaks, a miracle happens. When God speaks, the light begins to shine. If God's word is so powerful that it can make the universe, it can remake you too. When God spoke to a blind man receive your sight. It was done. And the darkness bled away. When God spoke to a dead man lazarus, come forth. It was done, and the sadness fled away. When God speaks, a miracle happens. When God speaks, the light begins to shine. If God's word is so powerful that it can make the universe, it can remake you too. For God keeps his word never will he fail. Every command and every promise, there is power to do what it says. Today when I speak, a miracle. When I speak, the light begins to shine. If God's word is so powerful that it can make the universe, it can remake you too. It can remake you too. Won't you let him remake you too? That song was When God Speaks by Brayden and Elise. Enterman. Did you catch the clue? It's God's word. When you believe in God's Word, he can work the miracle working power of His Word into your life. Also notice that the song talked about the power of God's Word to create, as well as about the power of His Word to recreate our lives. With that in mind, when you think about it, we are miracles because God made us. And in Psalm 139 I'm reminded that it says we are fearfully and wonderfully there's that word again. Or miraculously made. And then we can experience an even greater miracle when God recreates us spiritually, since we have all fallen in sin. The next two songs cover God's power of creation and recreation in our lives. The first is called It Took a Miracle and is sung by the first four gospel quartet. And the second is called The Miracle, written by Shauna Belt Edwards and sung by the one Voice. Children, my father is omnipotent that you can deny all God Almighty. Tis written in the sky. It took a miracle to put the stars in place it took a miracle to hang the world in space but when he saved my soul cleansed and made me old it took a miracle of love and rain. Though here his glory has been shown we still can't fully see the wonders of his mighty throne. Twill take eternity take eternity. It took a miracle to put the stars in place it took a miracle to hang the world in space but when he said my soul glad that made me home it took a miracle of love for God so loves the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus walked upon the water he still the storm and calmed the angry sea with his hand he healed the leper he made the lame to walk the blind to see he fed a thousand people with a love for you afraid and when the ruler died you raised her from the dead. Jesus is a God of miracles. Nothing is at all impossible. But I know this above miracle. I know nothing. Jesus bled and died to save me a price that I could never pay alone. When he rose again he gave me the greatest gift the world has ever known. Yes, I can be forgiven every time that I repent and someday he will lift me up to live with Him again. Jesus is a God of miracles. Nothing is at all possible to but I know this above all miracles the most in miracle that rescue me recall that rescues you and me. Ellen White in the book Upward Look, page 233 writes christ's love in the heart revealing through the life its wondrous power. This is the greatest miracle that can be performed before a fallen quarrely world. Let us try to work this miracle not in our own power, but in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, whose we are and whom we serve. Let us put on Christ and the miracle working power of his grace will be so plainly revealed in the transformation of character that the world will be convinced that God has sent His Son into the world to make men as angels in character and life powerful. Quote thus, as we share the love of Christ, we can be instrumental in bringing miracles of kindness into the lives of those around us. This means you can actually help make miracles happen. Listen as Diane Hope sings about this in the song miracles saun the light of truth and goodness the Holy Spirit peace I see the many sorrows that his children must endure so much hurt I long to heal how can I change the world? There are hands I cannot hold hearts I cannot comfort? Tears that only miracles can stay so let me love and serve and teach those who come within my reach for miracles begin that way. Close savior was known in many land yet touching every nation by the labors of his hands giving light to all the world by teaching but a few he is my example in the work that I must do there are hands I cannot hold hearts I cannot comfort tears that only miracles can say. Don't let me love and serve and teach those who come within my reach for miracle begin that way I will bear the burden of my neighbor in me. I will share my favorite love in every kindly deed. He will magnify my efforts. And I understand at last that by these moment simple things are great things brought to pass. There are hands I cannot hold heart I cannot comfort, fear that only miracles can say. Don't let me love. And seven, teach those who come within my reach for me. I pray close sauce bring little miracles into the lives of those around you as you experience the wonderful power of God's word in his creation, redemption and spiritual renewal of your life. Today you have been listening to Daily insights. I'm your host, Kaysie Butler. And until next time, God bless. You have been listening to a production of three ABN Australia radio.

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