Nature - Kaysie Butler

Episode 1 March 07, 2018 00:26:00
Nature - Kaysie Butler
Daily Insights
Nature - Kaysie Butler

Mar 07 2018 | 00:26:00


Show Notes

“Nature and revelation alike testify of God’s love. Our Father in heaven is the source of life, of wisdom, and of joy. Look at the wonderful and beautiful things of nature. Think of their marvellous adaptation to the needs and happiness, not only of man, but of all living creatures. The sunshine and the rain, that gladden and refresh the earth, the hills and seas and plains, all speak to us of the Creator’s love.” Steps to Christ, 9.1.

Hosted by Kaysie Butler.

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Episode Transcript

You are listening to daily insights on the three ABN Radio Network. And here is your host, Kaysie Butler. Hello and welcome. It is a privilege to be able to share this time with you. This morning I woke up to the sound of the dawn chorus. The birds were singing so happily outside, the sound was wafting through my window and I thought it was the best alarm clock because they just sound so joyful and so pure and lovely. And it actually reminds me of a song that I recently heard called Creation Sings, which basically is expressing how much how virtually all of creation is singing praise to God in some way or form, each in its own way. And I thought I'd share it with you today. It's performed by the Steve Patit Evangelistic team and quite a vibrant, joyful, lively arrangement. So here it is. He calls us on to wake the dawn and run the court of day till evening fall and bring the princess flakes of snow his breath upon the spinning hole he charged the eagles wide babies cry let all creation stand and see all fill the earth with songs of worship tell the wonders of sword and grace unveil the father's landing on you the second Adam walked the earth the blameless life would break the free to live within eternally let all creation tendency fill the earth with songs of worship till the wonder of creation earth when Christ shall bring up on the earth be the coming age the land and sky all them will sing and reply with what we splendid be the glory of our God I keep creation and see all day wonders of creation we are worship creation hallelujah creation hallelujah um creation sings the Father's song you know, I believe creation does more than just sing, sing and express praise to God. When we read in Psalm chapter 19, verse one to three, it says the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth his handiwork day unto day uttereth speech and night unto night showeth knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. And this basically saying that heaven's declaring the glory of God. When you compare this with Exodus, chapter 34, we understand that the glory of God is his character. And so there is so much more. Even in nature we can learn even about God's character and what he is like. It's like you can learn a bit about an artist by looking at their art. Well, with God it's so much more. His art and his masterpieces, his handiwork is all in creation. And so when we spend time out in nature and surrounded by the beauties of the natural world, we can learn more about God and draw nearer to Him, which I think is such a marvelous, wonderful way to learn to know God better. So now we have another song about creation and it's probably one that's a bit more familiar to you. It's. This is my father's world. This is my father's world. The birds that carol rain the morning bright, the lily white declare. This is my father's world. Here shines in all the star in the rustling grass I hear in past. He speaks to me everywhere world. Let me never forget that the wrong seems off so strong. God is the ruler, yes, this is my father god rains, let the earth be glad. You just listen to a rendition of this Is My Father's World by Fountain View Academy. I want to now share with you a poem written by Robert Hare when he was about 90 years old, and it's entitled A Hymn of Praise. And I believe that the author must have been awed at the majesty and power of God as revealed in his creation. So it goes. Great master of eternal spheres, maker and molder of all time, lord of the countless worlds that shine in fateless splendor all sublime angelic hosts. Adore thy name while cherubim thy glories sing thy earthly children here below with these would praise our heavenly king thy mandate fashioned worlds untold and whispered destiny's decree gladly we turn from earthly dreams in holy joy to worship thee. We cast all temporal gods aside as toys that please but for an hour and turn in earnestness and truth to Thee, the God of Life and power, great Lord and ruler of all spheres whose myriad suns still set and rise. We own thee ever lord and king ruler of Earth and sea and skies unnumbered star worlds round thee shine and glory centers by thy throne while worlds unnumbered gleam afar and ever own they're all thine own a life transformed we offer thee measured by love and firm intent submissive to thy sovereign will all in thy service to be spent dear Lord, let lofty themes inspire and mold our purposes to thine till life in earnestness shall tell the wondrous power of love divine you know, one thing that I find so amazing about God and creation is the fact that he has made the vast realms of the universe with all the stars and galaxies that are just so big and beyond what we can comprehend. And he knows them all to the intricate details, I guess, but yet he cares for the smallest bird, the smallest creature. He knows everything down to the atom, the finest detail. Nothing escapes his attention. And this, I guess, gives so much courage to us as human beings, because he cares that much about us too. Even though it might seem like we are so small and insignificant in our lives, yet we can have the assurance that God cares so much about us too. And this idea, I believe, is expressed well in the song His Eye is on the Sparrow and I know he watches me. The arrangement for this song was by Shelley Hamilton and it was actually on three pianos. And it was performed by the Hamilton Girls. The song that we are about to listen to now is called God of Heaven. And actually it expresses the same kind of idea the fact that God, yes, he's the God of heaven, but yet he heals us, he gives us peace and hope, he cares for us, he listens to us, he carries our fragile dreams, heartaches wins failures, binds those of us who are broken and weak. And he gives us new beginnings, makes us whole again all of these kind of amazing things that he does in our lives. Yeah. This song is sung by Ben Everson and I hope you enjoy it. God of all the earth. Great creature, master of all nature who gives birth to snow from heaven, holds the waves at ocean's edge, gives the orders to the morning shows each dawn is place to shine. Shine of heaven. God of heaven. God of all the earth and Son of heaven. God of heaven. God of ages. God who wrote the book of time forever alpha mega saints before he's guided safely history's pages signed by him author of our days and hours things to come are held secure how angel n who darkness righteous war champion of his children goes before us into the bat. Good and evil bow to him those in bondage free forever, victories won as he's come back. Jesus. God who gives us peace and God who listen good, who listen scary all our fragile dreams and heartaches winds and failures finds the broken hides the weak new beginnings freely offered. Who can make us whole again. God who heals us. God who heals us. God of power. God of power. God of ages. God of heaven. God of all the earth and sky ran feel like you're out in nature with all those special effects. When was the last time you spent a good deal of quality time out in nature? You know, it's so easy these days to just get caught up in the rat race of life, whether you're working in the city or even just working around the home, but spending so much time indoors that you don't get out in nature to enjoy it. It's a phenomenon that's becoming more and more common, especially in just Western society, the way it operates. Interestingly, a journalist and author as well as co founder of the Children in Nature Network, Richard Louvre, coined the term Nature Deficit Disorder. And whilst it's not a medical diagnosis, it's just trying to express the reality of the fact that so many of us are deprived of time in nature. And it's interesting. He, in his research, has asserted that children suffering nature Deficit disorder who don't get to regularly surround themselves with the great outdoors are actually more prone to anxiety, depression, attention Deficit disorder and even being overweight. So it turns out that being out in nature does have an impact on us for good. And I find personally that it really helps to destress and relax just spending our time in nature. There's no artificial stimulation or anything like that. It just is so soothing to go outside and enjoy the surroundings. So I encourage you, if you haven't done it for a while, to get out there to a beautiful spot somewhere and just enjoy the natural world. Well, we have one more piece of music to listen to for this program and it's called All Things Bright and Beautiful. And I particularly like the arrangement of this piece. All things bright and beautiful all creatures great and small all things wise and wonderful the Lord God made them all. Each little flower that open, each little bird that sings he made that glowing color? He made that tiny weed all things bright and beautiful all creatures great and small all things wise and wonderful the Lord God made the Mo the purple headed mountain the river running by the sunset and the morning the brightens of the sky the cold wind in the winter the pleasant flower sun the ripe fruits in the garden he made them everyone all things bright and beautiful all creatures great and small all things wise and wonderful the lord God made them all each little flower that open each little bird that sings he made that glowing color he made that tundy wing is all things bright and beautiful well, we've reached the end of our program today on Daily Insights. I hope you have been encouraged and inspired as you have considered the wonders of our God and his creation. I am your host, Kaysie Butler. And until next time, may the Lord richly bless you. You've been listening to a production of three ABN, Australia radio.

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