Rest & Peace of Mind - Kaysie Butler

Episode 15 January 06, 2020 00:27:15
Rest & Peace of Mind - Kaysie Butler
Daily Insights
Rest & Peace of Mind - Kaysie Butler

Jan 06 2020 | 00:27:15


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In the midst of a world full of anxiety and unrest, how can we find peace of mind? Well, there is a Source of enduring relief for us that is truly out of this world… tune in to learn more!

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You are listening to daily insights on the Three ABN radio network. And here is your host, Kaysie Butler. Hello and welcome to the program. According to Beyond Blue, an Australian organization dedicated to providing education and support for mental health, over 2 million aliens will suffer with anxiety every year. Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia and it basically involves being chronically anxious. What about people who aren't chronically anxious though, but are still battered by life's worries and stresses? How many people would fall into that category? Well, I would suggest millions more. If not all of us would experience this from time to time. So how do we deal with this? Where can we go to find relief from the burdens we experience in life? Today we are going to explore a source of rest and peace that all of us can avail ourselves of. And we'll begin this exploration through song. We will listen to Daryl Sawyer and Laura Williams sing a song called Give them all to Jesus. Are you tired of chasing pretty rainbow and are you tired of spinning round and round? Wrap up all the shattered dreams of your life and at the feet of Jesus lay them down give them all, give them all give them all to Jesus shattered dreams and wounded hearts and broken toes give them all give them all give them all to Jesus he will turn your sorrows into joy he never said there'd always be sunshine if he never said there'd be no rain he only promised the heartful I see about the very things that once cost me give them all, give them all, give them all to Jesus shattered dreams and wounded hearts and broken soul give them all, give them all, give them all to Jesus he will turn your sorrow into joy give them all, give them all, give them all to Jesus shattered dreams and wounded hearts and broken toes give them all, give them all, give them all to Jesus he will turn your sorrows into joy he will turn your sorrows into joy that was Daryl Sawyer and Laura Williams sharing give them all to Jesus. You know, I recently read a couple of quotes on Worry which got my attention. And the first one goes like this worry is like a rocking chair. It will give you something to do, but it won't get you anywhere. Ha. I like the way they put that. And then there's this one you can't change the past, but you can ruin a perfectly good present by worrying about the future. I'm sure you would agree with the truth of those statements. It's so typical that when we worry about things, it's often things that we can absolutely have no control over. And I guess it begs the question, who can we trust to care for the things which we can't control? Because if we could do that, if we could trust someone to care for the things which we can't control, that would give us some peace, some relief, some rest of mind. We've already hinted that the person we can trust is Jesus. And this will be explored more in the next song called Rest a While by Matt and Josie Minicus. Rest a while weary child in the mighty arms of God lay your head upon his chest close your eyes and simply rest he knows all that you need he has heard he has seen come and lay your gardens down and let his love surround and hold you rest a while driven child in the shelter of his wings they have been a place of refuge to both homeless and kings. Rest assured, he knows your needs. He is the giver of good things. Ages pass through eternity. He's promised to provide for you, for you are his precious treasure. He loves you without measure. You are his delight, priceless in his wherever you may go, may you always know the tender love of God for you never failing ever true the tender love of God for you never failing ever true close broken child in the healing hands of God hands down really will wipe away your tears he who makes all things new will do the same for you. He is and he's promised to restore you for you are his precious treasure. He loves you without measure you are his delight. Christ in his mind and wherever you may go may you know tender love God for you never failing ever true the tender love of God for you never failing ever true close. That was Rest a While by Matt and Josie Minicus. I really love how personal they express God's interest and care for each of us individually in that song. And praise God, he's so big that he can do that for every one of us when there are so many of us on the planet. In the Scripture, Christ actually, personally invites us to cast our burdens on Him. And that is expressed in the verse Matthew eleven, verse 28 through to 30. And we're going to actually listen to that verse in song now written by and sung by a lady called Esther Muy. Come unto me all ye that labor and a heavy laden and I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and of me for I am we can only hope and ye shall find rest unto your soul for my own is easy and my burden is night. Come unto me all ye that neighbor and I heavy laden in I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and of me for I am me and lo and ye shall fire to your soul for my own is easy and my burden is light. And learn of me for I have me get lonely in hope and ye shall find rest unto your soul for my yoke is easy and my burden is light through 30 sung by Esther Muy. In commenting on that very verse, Ellen White in the book that I May Know him, page 120 says the following there is a condition to the rest and peace here offered us by Christ. It is that of yoking up with him. All who will accept the condition will find that the yoke of Christ will help them to bear every burden needful for them to carry. Without Christ at our side to bear the heaviest part of the load, we must indeed say that it is heavy but yoked with Him to our car of duty, the burdens of life may all be lightly carried and just in proportion as man acts in willing obedience to the requirements of God will come. His rest of spirit, meekness and humility, will characterize all who are obedient to the law of God, all who will wear the yoke of Christ with submission. These graces will bring the desirable result of peace in the service of God. God presents to the world two classes. For the one, the wicked. He says there is no peace. For of the other great peace have they which love thy law, and nothing shall offend them. In connecting with the topic of peace, we will now hear a couple of songs by actually sung by children. The first one is called Peace, and that's presented by Galken Evangelistic team. And the second one is called Peace in Christ. And that's sung by a five year old called Claire Ryan, along with her dad. When the storm comes and I'm afraid you give me when I trust in the words you say you give me peace if you can all I see then you can offer me if when I lay your mind why should I be there? I know Jesus you give me when I don't come and I pray you gave me when I trust the word you say you give me jam, I have a joy to make a fire peace I leave with you. My peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. And the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace. His mind is stayed on Thee because he trusts in Thee. For God is not a God of confusion, but of peace. Peace you give me when I come and I'm afraid you gave me when I trust in the words you say you can be you. There is peace in Christ when we learn of Him, feel the love he felt for us when he bore our sins. Listen to his words. Let them come alive if we know Him as he is. There is peace in Christ. He gives us hope when hope is grown, he gives us strength when we can't go on. He gives us shelter in the storms of life? When there's no peace on earth there is peace in Christ in Christ? When we walk with him through the streets of Galilee to Jerusalem? Men the broken heart try the tear filled eyes when we live the way he lived there is peace in Christ he gives us hope when hope is gone? He gives us strength when we can't go? He gives us shelter in the storms of life? When there's no peace on earth there is peace in Christ sam it she gives us hope when hope is gone? She gives us strength when we can't go on she gives us shelter in the storms of life when there's no peace on earth there is peace in Christ when there's no peace on earth there is peace in Christ you know, that statement reminds me of a story in Jesus'life where he exemplified that very thing. He was out with his disciples on a lake and a storm came up, real big storm that chopped up the lake into huge waves. And the boat was getting tossed about. Water was coming in. And the disciples that he was with were so afraid they thought they were going to drown. The water was pouring into their boat. And in the midst of all of this turmoil, jesus was asleep, totally asleep, just trusting in his Father's care and the situation. And then when he was aroused by the disciples because they were afraid, he immediately calmed the storm and said, Peace, be still. So Jesus, he knows what it means to trust his Father and we can experience the same thing that he experienced draw nearer to God today. And this connects with the next song, which is called A Quiet Place. And it's a medley with near to the Heart of God. And it's sung by Alessandra. Soros rapid pace where God can sue my mind sheltered by tree and fly my quiet, my care left behind there is a place of quiet rest near to the heart of God a place where sin cannot near to the heart of God o Jesus, bless redeem sent from the heart of God? Hold us away for the near to the heart of God a place where we are savior meet near to the heart of God with the small mountain fall new strength and courage there as from this wide place I prepare to fix a new day with love for all mankind. Close thank you for tuning into Daily Insights. I am your host, Kaysie Butler. And may you experience the rest and peace that Christ offers you today. Bye for now. You've been listening to a production of three ABN, Australia radio.

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