God's Guidance

Episode 11 March 17, 2018 00:28:45
God's Guidance
Daily Insights
God's Guidance

Mar 17 2018 | 00:28:45


Show Notes

Have you ever felt the need for guidance in your life? The Lord has promised to instruct, teach, and guide us in the way we should go (Ps. 32:8). This program will explore various principles and aspects of God’s guidance in our lives.

Hosted by Kaysie Butler.

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Episode Transcript

You are listening to daily insights on the three ABN Radio Network. And here is your host, Kaysie Butler. Hello and welcome. I'm glad you have joined in today because I believe we are going to explore a very relevant topic and that is the topic of God's guidance in our lives. And I believe many people are seeking for this and I seek for God's guidance in my own life. And there's quite a science to God's guidance and we're going to explore some of that today. But to introduce this theme, I want to share with you a song by Laura Williams called He Leadeth Me. SA whatever I do, wherever I be tilting God's hand that leadeth me, he leave me by his own every lead. Sometimes it seems of deepest gloom. Sometimes where he didn't bowers by watershed or trouble he still take his hand that leave me sai come whatever I see this is my God. Me and me. I don't heavy when I grace the victories won in this cold wave. I will not free since God to Jordan lead it you by his own hand he would be for by his heavenly me thought. Isn't it how God leads in our lives and guides us? And interestingly, the Bible talks about this in Psalm chapter 32, verse eight, and it says, I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go. I will guide thee with mine eye. And this is a promise of God's guidance. How does God guide us, though? That's a question you may be thinking. Well, it's interesting when you read the next verse, it says in verse nine, be ye not as the horse or as the mule, which hath no understanding, whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle lest they come near unto thee. So in other words, if you imagine how a horse rider guides his horse, he basically just moves the bridle which also makes a movement in the bit in the horse's mouth and then the horse responds in the direction he runs, for example, in accordance with those movements. The horse isn't really exercising any judgment or any thinking, so to speak, to guide where he's going. He's basically just responding, dare I say, arbitrarily to those movements. But the verse here is saying that when we are responding to God's guidance, he doesn't want it to be like that. He wants us to be able to exercise our understanding and mind our reasoning in the guidance process. He wants to engage with us in guiding us. And I think this is very interesting because there are methods out there of guidance which are very much like the horse where it's this happens, which means you should do this or this happens and you should do this. And so then you're not actually exercising your understanding based on principle. But God has given us so many principles in the scriptures to guide our lives and I believe that as we take these and then apply them to our situations, we'll be able to actually cooperate with God in letting Him guide our life as he intends for us. The next song I want to share with you talks about God's guidance. It's called if you but trust in God to guide you. And I want to read the lyrics of it first before I play the song. It says if you but trust in God to guide you and place your confidence in Him, you'll find Him always there beside you to give you hope and strength within. For those who trust God's changeless love. Build on the rock that will not move only be still and wait his pleasure in cheerful hope with heart content, he fills your needs to fullest measure with what discerning love has sent. Doubt not, our inmost wants are known to Him who chose us for his own. Sing, pray and keep his ways unswerving. Offer your service faithfully and trust his word. Though undeserving, you'll find his promise true to be god never will forsake in need the soul that trusts in Him indeed. The Fountain View Academy choir and orchestra are going to share an arrangement of this piece now for us him. You'll find him always there beside you to give you hope and straight within for those who trust us Jesus build on the rock that will not move dream in cheerful to take what end the chose you for Sam's Jesus your mind is promise to me God never will forsake in me the soul that trust in Him. I want to share with you now a little reading from a book called Messages to Young People written by Mrs. Ellen G. White, and it's on the topic of divine guidance, which is what we've been looking at. This is from page 156 and says this there are three ways in which the Lord reveals his will to us to guide us. God reveals his will to us in his word. The Holy Scriptures. His voice is also revealed in his providential workings and it will be recognized if we do not separate our souls from Him by walking in our own ways, doing according to our own wills, and following the promptings of an unsanctified heart until the senses have become so confused that eternal things are not discerned. And the voice of Satan is so disguised that it is accepted as the voice of God. Another way in which God's voice is heard is through the appeals of His Holy Spirit, making impressions upon the heart which will be wrought out in the character. If you are in doubt upon any subject, you must first consult the Scriptures. If you have truly begun the life of faith, you have given yourself to the Lord to be Holy His, and he has taken you to mold and fashion according to his purpose that you may be a vessel unto honor. You should have an earnest desire to be pliable in his hands and to follow whithersoever he may lead you. You are then trusting Him to work out his designs, while at the same time you are cooperating with Him by working out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Great advice, isn't it? So the Holy Scriptures providential workings and the appeal of the Holy Spirit on our hearts are three ways that God can reveal his will to us to guide us. The next song is Baldani, sung by a Romanian trio called Nobles It. There are moments on our journey following the Lord when God illumines every step we take. There are times when circumstances make perfect sense to us as I try to understand each move he makes. When the rosy and our questions have no answers to he trust the heart of your father. When the answer goes beyond what you can see on the knee, lift your eyes towards heaven and believe the one who holds eternity. And when you don't understand the purpose of his breath in the presence of the king, bow beneath Nates. When clouds around us and the rain begins to fall, the cold and lonely wings on cease to bo. And there seems to be no reason for the suffering we feel, we are tempted to believe. God does not know when the soul when the storms don't forget we live by faith and not by sight. Louder. Trust the heart of your father when the answer goes beyond what you can see mountain lift your eyes forever and believe the one who only turned a dream and when you understand the purpose of his blood in the presence of the king trust the heart of your father when the answer goes beyond what you can see more than he lift your eyes forever and believe the one who won't be and when you don't just the presence of the king bow the knee bow the me bow the knee powerful message in that song. Sometimes we don't understand why God leads in the way that he does, that our circumstances may not make sense and they may be hard. But it is then that we are to bow the knee and trust that God knows the end from the beginning. The final couple of songs I want to share with you are kind of a bit reflective looking back over one's life and seeing more clearly how God has led. The first is All Along, sung by Malita Fong and following that all the way my saviour leads me. Sung by Melody St. Clair Rendazzer time just drifts away as I look back on the years of memories of happiness and bitter tear. Through it all, there was a common thread that cannot be ignored. You were there, teaching me to be your suffered love. All your hand has been guiding me, shaping my life to be a beautiful soul. All you let me through the things that you would make me strong your love has been there all along every joy and pain had a reason of its own and now I realize that I was not alone the changing seasons of my life were not left up to chance lord, I know you were working to fulfill your life all your hand has guiding me shaping my life to be a beautiful song all you let me through the things that you knew would make me strong your love has been dead all along when I turn around and I look back at today I will understand your purpose and my faithful heart will say all your hand has begun me shaping my life to be a beauty you let me through the things that you knew Would make me cry your love has been dead all along your love has been there all al. What have I? To ask beside can I doubt his tender mercy who through life has been my guide heavenly peace divine discomfort hear my faith in Him to dwell for I know whatever before me Jesus do with all things well for I know whatever before me jesus do with all things lam all the way my Savior leaves me all the fullness of his love perfect rest to me is promised in my Father's house above when my spirit clothed immortal wings is flood to realms of day this my song through endless ages jesus led me all the way I will follow where he leaves me I will follow I'll go with Him within all the way for I know you thank you for joining me once again on Daily Insights. And may God guide and bless you continually. Until next time. You've been listening to a production of three ABN, Australia radio.

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