Gods Personal Interest & Plan for Your Life - Kaysie Butler

Episode 17 January 06, 2020 00:28:45
Gods Personal Interest & Plan for Your Life - Kaysie Butler
Daily Insights
Gods Personal Interest & Plan for Your Life - Kaysie Butler

Jan 06 2020 | 00:28:45


Show Notes

Have you ever asked the question, What should I do with my life? What about, does God have a plan for me? These are real questions… and there are real answers! “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” - Unknown.

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You are listening to daily insights on the three ABN Radio Network. And here is your host, Kaysie Butler. Hello. I am so glad you have joined in on this program today because we will be exploring one of my most favorite topics and that is the topic of God's personal interest in us and his plan for our lives. And I want to begin by reading a poem. This is a poem by Robert Hare and it's called Life's Gateway. And it goes like this you are standing by the gateway of the road that we call life, gazing at its rugged steepness, thinking of its toil and strife. Do not fear the onward journey, though the path may be lost of you. Foot it bravely and with purpose, plan to see it through. Does the task to you discovered show resistance to your will or the burden? Press more weighty than you thought beneath the hill. Meet each task with manly courage. Lift the burden with a smile. Hope and confidence will help you over the roughest style. God holds something for the future, hidden maybe from your view, that will bring unmeasured blessings if life is but sweetly true. Strength apart from heaven is weakness. By his power it stands divine. God has planned fear not the future planned your life and mine. What do you think of that? Does God really have a plan for your life? Does God really even care about your life? Do you have any significance at all in his eyes? We're now going to listen to a song called He Knows My Name and it's sung by Shanna Thompson. And I think it will give us some answers to this question. I have a Maker, he formed my heart before even time began. My life was in his he know my name, he knows my every thought and he sees each tear fall and hears me when I call. I have a father he calls me Song he'll never leave me no matter where I go he knows my name he knows my every thought and he sees each tear falls and tears me when I call he knows my name he knows my everything and he sees each year that falls and hears me when I call he hears me when I call he hears me when crowds our name he knows our every thought he knows every tear that falls from our eyes and he hears us when we call. To him, that, to me, sounds like a god who is interested in the details of our lives. And you can read more about this in Psalm 139. I recommend you check that one out when you get a chance. So God takes a very deep interest in our lives, but what about a plan? Does he have a specific plan for our lives? Well, I'd like to share with you a quote which has become a personal motto of mine. It impacted me so much when I first read it. And this is from a book called Christ's Object Lessons from page 327. And it says this not more surely is the place prepared for us in the heavenly mansions than is the special place designated on Earth where we are to work for God. Now, to me, that statement's pretty clear that God has a very specific plan for our lives. He has a special place where we can work for him. And you know, as I think about Jesus and his life on Earth and Jesus is our example that was exactly what was the case for him. God had a special plan for Him in all the different stages and places that he went in his life. As we seek to follow God ourselves we will find Him leading into specific places where we can live and work for Him and represent Him. But what if you feel like God can do nothing good with your life? What if you've messed up? What if your life seems like it's hopeless and God could bring nothing good out of it? Well, have a listen carefully to the next song you guard in the auctioner. Felt it was hardly worth his while to waste much time on the old violin, but he held it up with a smile. Well, it sure ain't much, but it's all we got left. I guess we oughta sell it, too. Now, who start the bid on this old violin? Just one more and we'll be through then he cried, One. Give me $1 who make it two? Only $2, who make it three? $3 twice you know that's a good price who's got a bid for me? Raise up your hand now don't wait any longer the auctions about to end who's got for just $1 more to bid on this old violin nut? And the people stood around as the sun was setting low. From the back of the crowd a gray haired man came forward and picked up the bow. He wiped the dust from the old violin. Then he tightened up. The strings. And then he played out a melody pure and sweet sweet as the angel sing. Then the music stopped. And the auctioneer, with a voice that was quiet and low he said, now what am I for this old violin? And he held it up with a bow and then he cried One, give me 1000. Who make it two? Only 2000, who make it three? 3000 twice you know that's a good price who's gonna bid for me? And the people cried out what made the change we don't understand. Then the auctioneer stopped. And he said with a smile it was a touch of the master's hand. Well, you know, there's many a man with his life out of tune battered and scarred with sin. And he's auctioned cheap to a thankless world much like that old violin. But then the master comes in. That foolish crowd they never understand the worth of a soul and the change that is wrought by the touch of the master's hand. Again he cried one. Give me 1000. Who make it two? Only 2000. Who make it three? 3000 twice. You know, that's a good price. Now, who's got a bid for me? And the people cried out what made the change? We don't understand. And the auctioneer stopped and he said with a smile it was the touch of the master's hand it was the touch of the master's hand. There you go. So the touch of the master's hand can make all the difference in your life. Thank you to Daryl Sawyer for that song. But there is a burning question that I can hear you asking. And this question is how do I know what the will of God is? How do I know what his specific plan is for my life? Well, that is a very good question and it's one that I've asked myself many times and tried to find answers. And I can say with confidence that this next song will give you some significant clues in finding that answer. Many those who seek to know the Father's will their searching seems unending and yet they see it still hoping not to miss it like passing stars at night eagerly they wait for revelation light. Yet if they only knew that he who has God's word need never be uncertain no endless search and you for all that God desires his will for you and me it's found within the Bible. We find it written clearly you desire quietness and meekness of my soul. You desire peaceful thoughts that trust in your control. You desire loneliness that quickly condescends. You desire gentleness and words that help to men. You want me, without ceasing, to pray a constant prayer. You want my cheerful giving of my rich bounty share you want me to be willing my brother's burden bear this is the will of God. Hands are quick to labor quicker feet are quick. Many accomplishments and weary hands may show but do not be mistaken to think a task fulfill is all that God desires, all that God would. Will his purposes go for you. Think what human eyes can see and much more than that. He wants the word. To take a wretched heart and make it like his own is just a way that he desires to make his glories known. You desire truthfulness that flows from deep inside. You desire thankfulness for all things, all the time. You desire, eagerness to pardon each offense you desire readiness my enemy to bless. You want my works of service to flow from selfless love. You want all my affection to be set on things above. You want my heart's contentment that says, I have enough. This is the will of God. This is the will of God. And you desire faithfulness in duties big and small. You desire tenderness to heed the spirit call. You desire hopefulness that seeks the good to find you desire lovely thoughts to dwell within my mind. You want a heart of gladness in service of the king you want me long enduring through all my suffering you want my body daily to be my offering. This is the will of God here this is the will of God. Thank you, Heather Shoff, for that song. This is the will of God. There were many things in that song to take away with respect to God's purpose for our lives. But you know, the key to them all was right at the beginning of the song where it said that we can find out God's will for us in the Bible. The Bible is full of clues as to what God wants for us in our lives. And God is actually looking for people who will live out his will, live out his principles and his way of life to show that he is a true and loving God. I have another poem from Robert Hare that reflects this thought and it's called the God of the Stars is Counting on you. And it goes like this he is counting on you, my brother, on you for the work he has planned, for the prospect in view. And if you should fail him, what will he say when reckoning comes at the end of the day with crowns, thrones and scepters all cast in review. The God of the stars is counting on you. He is counting on you, my sister, on you in life, love and promise he bids you be true. And if you should fail him, one star will be dim that might have flashed out in splendor for him. So live for the savior in all that you do. The god of the stars is counting on you. What matters if tempests burst over the way jehovah still lives and guards while they play what matters? If friendships pass by in a sad jehovah still loves and bids you be glad what matters? Though all earth's hopes prove untrue the God of the stars is counting on you I love that phrase. So live for the Savior in all that you do the God of the stars is counting on you why should we live for the Savior? Well, he is currently living for us. And that is the theme of the next song called Because He Lives. And it's sung by the West Coast Baptist College. I believe in the sun I believe in the risen one I believe I overcome by the power of his blood amen. Amen. I let my soul join the one that ever rest because he lives I was dead in the grave I was covering shame I heard mercy for my day he roll the stone away amen. Amen. I'm alive. I'm alive because he lives on man amen. Let my son joy the one that never end I can face tomorrow because he lives every fear is gone I know he hold my life, my future in his head it so the question comes to all of us will I live for Christ and do my best to follow his plan, purpose and principles for my life? If that is your desire, tell that to God. Today, the final song I want to share with you is like a prayer that expresses this desire for God to live out his plan in one's life. It is called My Life Is in Your Hands and is sung by the Neblet family. My life is in your hands, O Lord I want it to be there my hopes, my dreams and all my plan I trust entirely to your care my life is in your hands what better place for it to be? The one who sees beyond today must know what's best for you and me take my life a living sacrifice knowing it's always that I can do make my life a living sacrifice only and acceptable to you holy Spirit take control take my body, mind and soul put a finger on anything that doesn't please you anything I do that grief you Holy Spirit take control take my life sacrifice knowing it's nothing that I can do make my life sacrifice anything I pray holy Spirit, take control take my life and let it be consecrated lord, to thee take my heart in shall be the royal throne it shall be the royal throne. Thank you for tuning into daily Insights. I am your host, Kaysie Butler, and may God richly bless you as you seek to follow his plan for your life. Bye for now. You've been listening to a production of three ABN Australia radio.

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