Service to Others

Episode 13 March 19, 2018 00:27:30
Service to Others
Daily Insights
Service to Others

Mar 19 2018 | 00:27:30


Show Notes

“The Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.” Matt 20:28. Let your heart be broken and filled with compassion as you look through Jesus’ eyes at a world in need. Be inspired to serve, share and shine!

Hosted by Kaysie Butler.


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Episode Transcript

You are listening to daily insights on the Three ABN radio network and here is your host Kaysie Butler. Welcome to the program and thank you for joining me. I have a question for you. Have you been touched with the love of God today? If you have, then take note of this quote says this he who is truly converted will be so filled with the love of God that he will long to impart to others the joy that he himself possesses. That's from nine. Testimonies page 30. So the natural flow on effect of being touched with God's love is to want to share it with others. You know, the compassion and mercy and tender sympathy that Christ revealed to the people around him on earth really touches my heart and it makes me want to share that kind of love with others. My leader Fong shares about this in the song Filled with Compassion which will be played next. Filled with compassion for all creation, jesus came into a world that was lost. There was but one way that he could save us. Only through suffering. Death on a cross. God, you are waiting. Your heart is breaking for all the people who live on the earth great is your passion for all. The people living and dying without knowing you and having no savior. They're lost forever if we don't speak out and lead them to you. God, you are waiting. Your heart is breaking for all the people live on the earth stir us to action fill with your passion for all the people who live on the earth from every nation we shall be gathered millions redeemed will be Jesus reward. Then he will turn and say to his father truly, myself, bring one God. You are waiting your heart is breaking for all the people live on the stir up to action fill with your passion for all the people who live on you know, the only way we can have a heart full of love and sympathy and mercy for our fellow human beings like Jesus did is to see people from his perspective. Then we will be able to experience Christ's heart for those who are needy and in trouble and suffering. The Galkan evangelistic team expressed this very well in the following song called Looking Through His Eyes. Let me see this world as I were looking through your eyes a world of love would I want you by a world for which you die let me kneel with you in the dark blur my eyes with tear the Magnit. For if once I could see this world the way you see I just know I serve you more faithfully. Close. Let me see this world, dear Lord, through Your eyes when men walk your holy name, when they beat you and that you help me love them as you love them. Just the same. Let me stand high above my petty problem and we for men. How about eternally? For if once I could see this world the way you see I just know I serve you more faithfully let me see this world, dear Lord help me see that was looking through His Eyes by the Galken Evangelistic Team how can we reach a world in need? What can we do, practically that would help? Listen carefully to the next song by Matt and Josie Minicus called Let Your Heart Be Broken. Let your heart be broken for a world in need feed the mouth that hunger soothe the wounds that lead. Give the cup of water and the loaf of bread be the hands of Jesus serving in his death here. On earth applying principles of love visible expressions god still rules above living illustration of the living word to the minds of all who've never seen or heard blessed to be a blessing privileged to care challenged by the need of parent everywhere where mankind is wanting fill the vacant place be the means through which the Lord reveals his grace heart be tender and your vision clear see mankind as God sees surfing far and near let your heart be broken by a brother's pain. Share your rich resources, give and give again. Add to your believing deeds that prove it true. Knowing Christ as Savior make him master too. Follow in his footsteps. Go where he has trod in the world's great trouble. Risk yourself for God. Let your heart be broken by Matt and Josie Minicus. You know, a phrase that stood out to me in that song was blessed to be a blessing. And I have found that over and over when I've been involved in service to others. How I'm doubly blessed by engaging in it. And I'm sure many of you have found the same. You know, we don't even have to leave our homes to serve others, because we can serve others through prayer. And the next song, sung by Laura Williams, is an example of a prayer of intercession on behalf of family, friends, neighbors, etc. It's called dear Lord. Dear Lord, have you seen my sister in the throngs of this dark world? She is lost, Lord, and can't find her way home to a father she does not yet know have you watched my brother? Have you seen him? Awesome. He's blind, Lord, and cannot perhaps he will come if you call dear Lord, when you call my neighbor and he lifts up his head at the ground is he seeking and knocking? Does he know the great joy to be found here? Lord, I pray much for my children that your spirit will reach them in time, that they trust in your love and forgiveness and know what it means to be I want to read now from the book Christ Object Lessons, page 384 to 386. Because this particular section explains an important secret behind service. It says Love is the basis of Godliness. Whatever the profession, no man has pure love to god unless he has unselfish love for his brother. But we can never come into possession of this spirit by trying to love others. What is needed is the love of Christ in the heart. When self is merged in Christ, love springs forth spontaneously. The completeness of Christian character is attained when the impulse to help and bless others springs constantly from within. When the sunshine of heaven fills the heart and is revealed in the countenance, it is not possible for the heart in which Christ abides to be destitute of love. If we love God because he first loved us, we shall love all for whom Christ died. We cannot come in touch with divinity without coming in touch with humanity. For in him who sits upon the throne of the universe, divinity and humanity are combined, connected with Christ. We are connected with our fellow men by the golden links of the chain of love. Then the pity and compassion of Christ will be manifest in our life. We shall not wait to have the needy and unfortunate brought to us. We shall not need to be entreated to feel for the woes of others. It will be as natural for us to minister to the needy and suffering as it was for Christ to go about doing good. The glory of Heaven is in lifting up the fallen, comforting the distressed. And wherever Christ abides in human hearts, he will be revealed in the same way. Wherever it acts, the religion of Christ will bless. Wherever it works, there is brightness. Did you catch the secret? It is not in trying in our own strength to love others, but in letting Christ melt our own hearts and then letting his love flow through us to others as we reach out to them. This is the only way that it can work successfully. And I know that from experience. Is God calling you to service today? Listen to the words of the next song again shared by Malita Fong called My House is Full. There is peace and contentment in my father's house today lots of food is on his table and no one is turned away there is singing and laughter as the hours pass by but a hush comes the singing as the father's sadly cry my house is old but my fear is deep we'll go and work for me today it seems my children all want to stay around my table but no one wants to work in my fear. Push away from the table, look out through the window pain just beyond this house of plenty lies a feet of golden rain and it's right unto harvest but the reapers, where are they? In the house. Oh come, the children hear the Father sadly say my house is home, but my fear isn't deep will go and work for me today it seems my children all want to stay around my table but no one wants to work in my fear no one wants to work in the harvest field now, right? For all to do hawk, the Master's voice is calling to the harvest, calling you. That was Marley ja Fong singing my house is full. And as I think about this, I realize that the best way to increase our capacity for God's love is to share all that we have and then go back for more. Sometimes we might need a fuller cup to begin with to get started, though. Nevertheless, Jesus bids us shine. And this song is sung by St. Philip's Boys Choir, and I hope you enjoy it. Shine jesus wants me for a son to shine for every way try to please him I told that's all I say I saw me for me I saw me I saw Jesus would be what I saw me. I saw me I'll be a son before him jesus loves me because I know for the Bible tells me so little ones who he belong they are weak but he is true. Yes. Jesus. Love me. Yes. Jesus. Love me. Yes, Jesus love me the final time yes, Jesus love me. Jesus be the shine the like on me wow, that was awesome. And thank you to the St. Philip's Boys Choir for sharing that. And that reminds me of what it says in Matthew 516. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven. May God bless you as you do this today. Thanks for tuning in once again to Daily Insights. Bye for now. Close. You've been listening to a production of three ABN, Australia radio.

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